Historia de mis abuelos / Todo tiene una historia
My Grandfathers‘ Story / Everything has a History
Filmed and edited by Lorenz Balcerzak and Saskia Morgan
In this short film, you first hear the voice of Juana. Juana told us about a legend of the mountains, and then a story about her own life; how, as the only Spanish speaking daughter in a small Quechua community, she was able to move to the community she lives in now, and make a life for herself.
Carlos, the second voice, told us about the passage of the Incas at “Punta Union”, about the naming of the lakes in the area, and then shared stories of his life in the mountains.
These stories, amongst others, remained with us while we hiked. They compelled us to look more closely at what accompanied us every day, knowing that the landscapes held many more stories of their own.